Brigham Young University | BFA Illustration | Provo, UT | 2008
Art scholarship recipient: 2003, 2005, 2006
Oscarson Grant Recipient, NYC Internship with Burton Silerverman, 2008
Studied with Sherrie McGraw, Wulf Barsch, Robert Marshall, Richard Hull, Robert Barrett, and Ryan Brown
3.5 GPA

Burton Silverman | Internship | NYC | 2008
Apprenticed with Burton, gained invaluable experience and developed a stronger understanding of oil painting. Learned sound business skills through managing Silverman’s business as an intern. Made arrangements for his workshop in upstate New York, worked with galleries and corresponded with other business individuals on Silverman's behalf.

William Whitaker | Apprenticeship | Provo, UT | 2007-2008
Apprenticed under William Whitaker for an entire year, studied traditional drawing and painting and color theory. Worked to develop hand-eye coordination and utilized site-size drawings skills through the atelier sight-size method. Worked on Bargue line and copy drawings, and spent time painting still life sketches to learn color. Drew from a live model weekly and transferred time in Whitaker’s studio for BYU course credit.

Michael Mentler | Society of Figurative Arts | Dallas, TX | 2018 - 2019

Worked from a live model both drawing and painting figure and portrait studies. Spent time in lectures and observation, as well as time working directly from the model with direction and feedback from Michael. Learned the structure and anatomy of the form, P.L.A.N. program for Proportion of the human figure and G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. for sound drawing.


Michelle Dunaway | Scottsdale Artists School | Scottsdale, AZ | November 2018
Attended a 5 day portrait workshop, painting portraits from live models. Spent time each day learning from Michelle as she worked and discussed her process. Painted directly from the model and received feedback real time. Discussed color, drawing, emotional connection and mood in art.

Bryan Mark Taylor | Private Workshop | Napa, California | October 2016
Plein air painting workshop on location in Napa Valley. Spent time in lectures and demonstrations, as well as hands on painting and critiques. Learned how to see color in nature, atmospheric perspective, linear perspective, and the process of taking a plain air sketch into the studio for a more sustained studio painting.

Josh Clare | Private Workshop | Paradise, UT | July 2015
Worked on location in Paradise, UT. Painted from life outdoors in a rural barn setting. Spent time listening to Josh discuss his approach, as well as watched him demonstrate his approach. Worked on a variety of settings, including clouds, a glassy pond, a distant road, and an old barn. Learned how to evaluate color real time by asking the question, “Is this color too red, too yellow or too blue?”

Matt Smith | Scottsdale Artists School | Scottsdale, AZ | December 2013
Attended Matt’s 5 day workshop at The Scottsdale Artist’s School. Watched Matt demo and lecture for the first part of the day, then worked on our own work the second part of the day. Discussed studio paintings and how to see true colors in a photo, as well as how to make artistic choices within the painting to make the subject more interesting than the photo. Discussed composition, color, design, and edge work among other things.

Burton Silverman | Workshop | Upstate New York | 2008
Invited by Silverman to attend his summer workshop in upstate New York, on scholarship. Drew and painted live models in Silverman’s upstate NY studio. Discussed edges and value, angles and how to capture the essence of an individual. Also spent time photographing and plein air painting on Silverman's property.

Select Exhibitions

Inaugural Exhibition, Inspired Arts League, Salmagundi Club, New York City, NY, October 2024
American Narratives in Fine Art, Group Exhibition, Mercury Radio Arts Studios, Irving, Texas, September 2024
The Invitation, Solo Exhibition, White’s Chapel Methodist Church, Southlake, Texas, October 2023
Certain Women: Reflections of a Mother in Heaven, Group Exhibition, Zion Arts Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, September-November 2021
Winter Festival of Faiths: New Beginnings, Group Exhibition & Festival, Interfaith Council Thanksgiving Square, Dallas, TX, Dec 2020
Small Art Treasures, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, September 2020
The Better Part: Women, Art & Faith, Group Exhibition, Center for Latter-day Saints Dallas Festival, Dallas, Texas, February 2020
Certain Women: Statements of Purpose, Group Exhibition, Zion Arts Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2019
Small Art Treasures, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, October 2019
Making Her Mark: Art By Women, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, September 2019
Texas Member Juried Exhibition, Group Exhibition, The Portrait Society of America, Breckenridge, Texas, September 2018
Une Petite Nuit, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, September 2018
Keller’s Got Talent, Group Exhibition, Keller City, Texas, September 2018
Certain Women, Group Exhibition, Zion Arts Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2018


Leadership/Community Involvement

Non-Profit: Inspired Arts League | Co-Founder | Keller, TX | September 2021-Present
Visioned purpose and mission of Inspired Arts League Non-Profit. Gathered key individuals to realize non-profit potential. Networked with and cultivated relationships with successful professional artists of varying backgrounds. Worked to secure funding for Non-Profit activities. Interviewed and directed support personnel for Non-Profit.

Featured Artist | ArtFul | BYUTv Broadcast Network | September 2021
Featured Artist in Season 2 Episode 1 of the BYUTv show ArtFul. Twelve minute television episode. Discussed my journey and current passion projects, as well as a painting in progress and my inspiration for my work.

Artist, Wife & Mother | Interview | Lone Star Latter-day Saint Voices Podcast | July 2020
Discussed the delicate balance between mothering a large family of boys and managing a career as a professional artist. Also discussed the power of following God-directed promptings, ministering to others, putting your family first and making time for yourself. Shared publicly my personal project to create more sacred art and my desire to facilitate transcendent experiences between viewers and art.

Women, Art & Creativity | Panelist | Center for LDS Arts Dallas Festival | February 2020
Invited as a panelist in discussion with Ashlee Whitaker, Annie Poon & Laura Miller. Discussed various topics relating to womanhood and art, including: establishing & promoting creative communities, balancing art & motherhood, finding inspiration for your work, and honoring your inner artist voice.

Emerging Artists Primavera | Guest Curator | Meyer Gallery | 2016
Invited to guest curate a show of Emerging Artists for Meyer Gallery. Worked with Gallery Owner to brand the show, send out a call for entries to various sources and curate the list of selected artists. Found new talented artists and a handful were invited to show in the gallery following the show and continue to sell work regularly.

Creative Collaborative | Organizer | Provo, UT | 2012 - 2016
Organized and built Creative Collaborative in Provo beginning with just a handful of regular attendees. Grew the meeting to regularly expect 80+ attendees over 4 years. Contacted and secured monthly speakers, with a current booking of 6+ months out, and some speakers flying in just to speak. Secured a location for meetings to be held regularly, networked with various businesses and entrepreneurs within the community, completed all marketing and advertising for monthly meetings. Speakers have included: Brooke White/Season 5 American Idol & Singer/Songwriter, Susan Meyer/The Meyer Gallery Park City, Dr. Rita Wright/Director: Springville Museum of Art, Brian Kershisnik/Artist, Natalie Norton/Photographer & Life Coach, Santiago Michalek/Artist, Jeff Hein/Artist, Susan Petersen/Freshly Picked, J. Kirk Richards/Artist, and Mindy Gledhill/Singer & Songwriter, among others. Worked with Provo Mayor John Curtis to help advise on the disposition of Provo City RAP tax revenues for the arts.

Hundred Dollar Show | Organizer | Springville Museum of Art | 2013 - 2016
Creator of the $100 Dollar Show at Coleman Studios in Provo, UT in 2013. Moved the show to the Springville Museum of Art and co-hosted the event with the Museum in 2014 through 2016. Sold over 160 pieces in 2 hours with 600+ people in attendance and 150 people in line an hour before the start of the event. Over 100 artists have been featured. Sold out of my art within the first 30 minutes every year.

Workshop Instructor | Utah Valley University | Capitol Reef, UT | 2015 - 2016
Taught a beginning Plein Air Painting workshop in Capitol Reef National Park. Three-day workshop, covered the fundamentals of landscape oil painting and the complexities of painting outdoors. Taught core topics such as: color, composition, design, angles and their consequent values, understanding trees and clouds, aerial perspective and liner perspective. Spent time both indoors and outdoors to learn key concepts. Provided outdoor painting demonstrations as well as group and individual instruction throughout the workshop.

Classroom Instructor | Utah Valley University | Beginning Oil Painting, September 2013 | Beginning Landscape Painting, February 2014 | Beginning/Intermediate Plein Air Painting, June 2014
Taught various beginning painting classes through the Continuing Education program at Utah Valley University. Covered topics such as still life painting, beginning landscape painting, and beginning plein air painting. Filled each class early and carried a waitlist, with some students signing up for repeated classes. Each class lasted for three hours, and was held once weekly over the span of between 4 and 6 weeks.



American Narratives in Fine Art, Group Exhibition, Mercury Radio Arts Studios, Irving, Texas, September 2024
The Invitation, Solo Exhibition, White’s Chapel Methodist Church, Southlake, Texas, October 2023
Certain Women: Reflections of a Mother in Heaven, Group Exhibition, Zion Arts Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, September-November 2021
Winter Festival of Faiths: New Beginnings, Group Exhibition & Festival, Interfaith Council Thanksgiving Square, Dallas, TX, Dec 2020
Small Art Treasures, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, September 2020
The Better Part: Women, Art & Faith, Group Exhibition, Center for Latter-day Saints Dallas Festival, Dallas, Texas, February 2020
Certain Women: Statements of Purpose, Group Exhibition, Zion Arts Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2019
Small Art Treasures, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, October 2019
Making Her Mark: Art By Women, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, September 2019
Texas Member Juried Exhibition, Group Exhibition, The Portrait Society of America, Breckenridge, Texas, September 2018
Une Petite Nuit, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, September 2018
Keller’s Got Talent, Group Exhibition, Keller City, Texas, September 2018
Certain Women, Group Exhibition, Zion Arts Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2018
Une Petite Nuit, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, September 2017
Hundred Dollar Show, Group Exhibition, Springville Museum of Art, December 2016
Une Petite Nuit, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, September 2016
Emerging Artists Primavera, Guest Curator, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, May 2016
Zion's Bank Spring Art Showcase, Zion's Bank Provo Utah, May 2016
The Vibrant Landscape, Group Exhibition, Meyer Gallery, Park City, Utah, March 25, 2016
92nd Annual Spring Salon, Group Exhibition, Springville Museum of Art, April -July 2016
Here, There, and Everywhere, Group Exhibition, Springville Museum of Art, Jan – May 2016
Hundred Dollar Show, Group Exhibition, Springville Museum of Art, December 3, 2015
Small and Thoughtful Holiday Art Show, Evergreen Gallery, SLC, December 4, 2015
Group Landscape Show, Meyer Gallery, Mar 27, 2015
91st Annual Spring Salon, Group Exhibition, Springville Museum of Art, April – July 2015
Every Polished Grace: Alumni from the Department of Visual Arts, Group Exhibition, BYU HFAC, Jan 16 – Feb 9, 2015
Hundred Dollar Show, Group Exhibition, Springville Museum of Art, Dec 4, 2014
Wasatch Plein Air Paradise, Group Exhibition, Heber, UT, June 29-July 5, 2014
Provo City Wide Summer Art Showcase, Group Exhibition, Covey Center for the Arts, June 6-July 28 2014
90th Annual Spring Salon, Group Exhibition, Springville Museum of Art, April 23-July 6 2014
Utah in 2014, Group Exhibition, Evergreen Gallery, February 21, 2014
Nature, Human Nature, Joint Exhibition with Jenna Von Benedikt, Harold B. Lee Library, BYU, Jan-March 2014
Hundred Dollar Show, Group Show, Coleman Studios, Dec 2013
Evening of Art, Group Exhibition, Evergreen Gallery, Nov 2013
Plein Air Provo, Group Exhibition, Terra Nova Gallery, Oct 2013
10 Year Anniversary Exhibit, Group Exhibition, Terra Nova Gallery, Sept 2013
Grace, Solo Exhibition, Coleman Studios, July 2013
Earth & Sky, Solo Exhibition, Terra Nova Gallery, Jan 2013
Great Things, Small Packages, Group Show, Terra Nova Gallery, Nov - Dec 2012
Plein Air Provo, Group Show, Terra Nova Gallery, Oct 2012, **Award of Merit and People's Choice Award
Love of Color, Joint Show, Coleman Studios, Sept 2008


Publications & Awards

“Entrepreneur, Artist Creates Nonprofit for Emotional Storytelling Artwork”, Fort Worth Report, November 2023
“Keller Artist Presents Solo Show in Southlake”, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in North Texas Online, October 2023
“ArtFul”, Season 2 Episode 1, BYUTv Broadcast Network, September 2021
“Brittany Scott: Artist, Wife & Mother”, Interview, Lone Star Latter-day Saint Voices Podcast, July 2020
"The Art of Mothering", The Daily Herald in Print, July 2015
"Motherhood Is: Brittany Scott", The Mumsy Blog, January 2015
"Motherhood is....inspiring for one Provo mom", The Daily Herald in Print, January 2015
"Gift of Art", The Daily Herald, The Ticket, December 2014
"This is the place for Talent", The Daily Herald in Print, March 2014
"The Journey Made Me Do It", The Daily Herald, Through an Artist's Eye, January 2014
"Creative Collaborative, Provo's Unicorn", The Daily Herald, Through an Artist's Eye, November 2013
Mormon Artist, Interview, November 18, 2013
"Be True to Yourself in Your Art and in Your Everyday Life", The Daily Herald, Through an Artist's Eye, September 2013
Square Native, Interview, July 18, 2012
Peoples Choice Award, Plein Air Provo, Terra Nova Gallery 2012
Award of Merit, Plein Air Provo, Terra Nova Gallery 2012


Community Education Instructor

Utah Valley University, Orem, UT
Beginning Oil Painting, September 2013
Beginning Landscape Painting, February 2014
Beginning/Intermediate Plein Air Painting, June 2014
Plein Air Painting Workshop in Capitol Reef, UT, September 2015